Activities and Social Clubs
Keeping in Contact
The Sub Branch sees social connection as a mainstay of assisting with the wellbeing of veterans. To that end, there is a regular weekly social get together in the Lounge every Friday afternoon from 3:00pm. The priority of the activity is the gathering of veterans to enjoy the company of each other in a friendly and safe environment.
The evening consists of trivia, members’ draw and raffles, but most importantly, camaraderie.
Throughout the year the Sub Branch conducts fund raisers for worthy causes. These are normally conducted on the last Friday of the month as part of the regular Friday social get together. Organisations funds are raised for include veteran groups, breast cancer research, prostate cancer research, or any other worthy charity. Check out the calendar to see when the next fund raiser is on and join in the fun for a worthy cause.
In addtion to the regular Friday social get together, the Sub Branch also hold other functions, ranging from our annual Veterans Spring Ball, along with dance functions and theme nights in the Sub Branch and the end of year Christmas function.
The purpose of these functions is to bring veterans together to enjoy a night of fun to alleviate any social isolation in a safe and friendly atmosphere.
In addition to the Friday get together, there are also regular day trips various locations around the area for sightseeing and lunch. These are very popular and fill up fast. They can accommodate any theme or location.
If you have a suggestion of a location to visit, or a theme for an outing, please mention to one of the Sub Branch Directors. No activity is too difficult to coordinate.
Feel like getting outdoors and doing some gardening?
Ever thought about helping out in our Memorial Gardens?
We have a large garden area that requires constant attention to keep it in immaculate condition. If you have a green thumb, or like the outdoors, make contact with a Board Director and see about helping out with some gardening.
Social Bowls
Interested in playing bowls? Don’t need any experience or bowls. Our Social Bowls club will provide all and welcome you to the fold.
Friendly competitions are played once a month on Sundays at the Pelican Waters Bowls Club. In addition to these monthly events there are trips away to visit other bowls clubs around South East Queensland and Northern NSW.
If you are interested in joining in, contact the Sub Branch administration for details to join.
Are you interested in getting out for some saltwater therapy? Doesn’t even matter if you have never surfed before or the type of board you ride. If you would like to get out in the surf with fellow surfers, then the Association of Veteran Surfers will make you feel welcome.
Check out this link for more details.
Social Cards
Every Tuesday afternoon in the Sub Branch Lounge our ladies get together to play cards for fun.
If you would like to join, come on down at 2pm on Tuesdays and meet with the team playing cards. Everyone is more than welcome to play.
Social Golf
Each fortnight on a Sunday morning our social golfers play at a different course around the Sunshine Coast. You don’t need to have a golf handicap, one will be assigned when you join.
For more details contact the Sub Branch administration office and they will be able to put you in touch with fellow golfers.
Sailing and Fishing
The Sub Branch is pleased to be associated with Wellness on Water Through a sponsorship with Mate-Ship.
Mate-Ship is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to providing veterans and first responders with the opportunity to experience wellness through sailing and fishing.
For more information check out the link below.