Our volunteer team of Compensation Advocates and Wellbeing Support Officers (WSO) are here to help all veterans who need assistance.
If our support staff are unable to assist, they will be able to access the broader RSL QLD network and connect you with a Veterans Services Officer who will be able to assist.
Compensation Advocacy
Our team of Compensation Advocates have undergone formal training to prepare claims to the Department of Veterans Affairs on your behalf. They are qualified to assist in the preparation of claims under the following Acts:
- The Veteran Entitlement Act (VEA);
- The Safety Rehabilitation and Compensation Act (Defence Related Claims) (DRCA).
- The Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act (MRCA)..
Additionally, assistance can also be provided in requesting a review of a decision or an appeal of a decision to the Veterans Review Board.
Our Compensation Advocates are all volunteers and the service provided is free of charge. They undergo continuous refresher training and mentoring and are ready to assist any current or ex-service member with a claim or appeal to the Department of Veterans Affairs.
If you are interested in assisting with compensation advocacy, please approach the Sub Branch to discuss undergoing training and joining the team.

Wellbeing Advocacy
Our team of WSOs can answer many and varied questions in regards to the wellbeing of veterans within our community. They do this through visits to aged care residents, home visits and general connection with members through telephone call. These services may be as simple as a visit for a chat or assistance with issues that concern an individual or their family.
Poppy Service
Our Sub Branch conducts a Poppy Service at the funeral of any veteran. The service is conducted as part of the funeral, and it is considered a privilege to be able to commemorate the service provided by a veteran to their country.
Our Poppy Service Officers will coordinate the service and ensure due recognition is made of a veteran’s service. If you would like a Poppy Service arranged, please contact the Sub Branch.